Shared experiences

The support you need to get the most from your UTV experience, while protecting the trails you ride!

Shared experiences

The support you need to get the most from your UTV experience, while protecting the trails you ride!

Work becomes family fun
Every trail is a new adventure
We share your offroad passion!
Take on bone-jarring challenges
We don't have time to be lost!
Help from the local land manager
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We ride on public land, and that belongs to everyone. But there’s a special role we UTV riders can play…

Just like hikers, cyclists, and the horse crowd, we love our trails! We also understand that motorized vehicles can be hard on trails. But, we can help ourselves—and everyone else—by learning to Tread Lightly!

Interesting UTV truths

Whether we’re out with friends, family, or on our own, one thing we notice is how wear and damage can increase over time.

So, I wasn’t surprised to learn that when one of us is out on the trail, so are thousands of others across this great country of ours!

Day, after day, after day…and all of a sudden our trails are looking run down and overused. But, you shouldn’t have to worry about overuse on your favorite trails. With Tread Lightly! there are easy, smart ways to avoid it.

This is also true…

Rider, after rider, after rider, the T.R.E.A.D Principles make it easy to protect our trails.

BONUS! If you want to have some fun (along with a little work) you can meet lots of other UTV riders and make some new friends at trail parties.

These things and lots of other great stuff are right in this course!

More interesting truths


The number one cause of closed trails is the cost in time and money to maintain them. Believe me, there’s more to caring for trails than most people know!


It only takes a few simple things that, if we all do them, will keep our favorite trails open and in good shape. And that’s a benefit for everyone.


The biggest impact each of us can make is simple and easy. You’re not going to believe how easy! It’s just staying on the trail…that’s it!

But, there’s even more we can do to Tread Lightly!

We've got your back!